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A Praying Grandmother


Here I am again Lord Thanking you for each and ever step that I take.
Thank you Lord for my grandchildren and for protecting them from
harm, hurt and danger. Thank you Lord for allowing me to see their
birth into this world. Thank you Lord for allowing me to see their first
steps and hearing them say their first words. When I see them, I just want
to hold them in my arms and keep them safe from harm, but I know that Lord
you will send your Guardian Angels to keep them in all of their ways. I just
thank you Lord because you have been so good to me. You gave me such
wonderful grandchildren and my life just would not be complete without
them in my life. Every time I hear them say “Grandma”, I just want to reach
out and hug and kiss them because they bring me such great joy. I humbly bow
down in your presence with Thanksgiving in my heart. Keep them Lord safely in
your care. I will always thank you for this wonderful blessing. Witnessing them
say their first prayer filled my heart with gladness. I will always teach them the
right things to do. I will teach them your words and help them to grow up to be
honorable individuals that you will be pleased with. I will care for them and nurture
them to the best of my ability. Lord I need your help to carry out my mission as a
Grandmother and to do the very best that I can for them. Let your love flow in our
hearts forever and keep us protected and safe.
In your name Lord.
By Joselyn Sullivan

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