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Celebrate Your Life

Often times, we tend to take life for granted.  We wake up every morning to start our busy schedules work, children, house chores just to name a few things that we do on a regular basis each day.  We are stressed out, tired and sometimes confused at life.  But, do we really take the time to celebrate life?  We have been so programmed to doing things in a way that tends to make us most miserable.  Who wants to continue living this way!  Why are we beating ourselves up each day.  Most of us have health concerns that we are dealing with, financial difficulties, home related issues, maybe the children seem to be getting on that last nerve.  Whatever the case maybe in your life right now, STOP, BREATH, and RELAX for a moment or two, or three.  Lets regroup!

Ask yourself this question:  Are you happy with your life?  If you answered yes, then you are doing better than some people who are still trying to find happiness in their life.  Continue to be happy and share that happiness with those who are still striving to find it.  If you answered no to the question, think about what it will take to make you happy.  Follow these tips:

  • Get a pen and paper
  • Fold the paper in half
  • On the first column write down those things that caused you to be unhappy
  • On the second column write down what it will take to make you happy
Now that you know what is causing you to be unhappy and you now know what it will take to make you happy, you can begin to change your life for the better.  

I am 50 years old, a mother of three, and a grandmother of six.  For many years, I was unhappy with life.  I believe what really caused my unhappiness was a bad childhood that left me scarred.  Growing up for me wasn't a walk in the park on a beautiful sunny day.  I want to tell my story because I feel that their are many people out their who have gone through really rough times growing up or maybe going through some really bad times right now.  This is why I want to encourage you today and let you know that you can change your unhappiness to happiness and celebrate your life.  

For years I blamed myself for what happened to me.  I would isolate myself from others, and although I tried to be happy wearing a smile, I was in great pain inside.  So, for a long time I went around pretending to be happy when I really wasn't.  Please understand that we are not responsible for what others do to us.  We shouldn't blame ourselves for what others do.  As a survivor of abuse, I learned that I was never responsible for what happened to me as a child.  

Find the core of the problem; find the solution

Most of our unhappiness lies deep within us.  The issue is not only the everyday routines of life, but a deeper problem.   Sometimes we can go into denial about what may have happened to us that caused us to be unhappy and bitter with life.   Be real to yourself and honest with your feelings.  Stop pretending and be upfront with yourself.  You are only hurting yourself and deepening the problem that lies within.  Get it out and get rid of it once and for all!  Time waits on no one and you can spend the rest of your life holding on to what happened and miss out on a beautiful life filled with happiness, love, joy and peace.  

The hardest thing for me was to forgive those who hurt me.  Most of us have a hard time really forgiving someone who has done us wrong.  But forgiveness is essential in the healing process.  Those scars have to be healed and forgiving self and others is the main ingredients towards healing.  Don't be concerned about what happens to them because they will get what they deserve.  You reap what you sow!  If you sow bad seed into someones life, you will get it back plus.  What you should really focus on is getting yourself into a state of healing.  

It may not be so easy for you to, but you can do it.  Make up in your mind that you are going to release all of those negative experiences, and thoughts that have been weighing you down.  Let go of it!  A recommendation coming from me is prayer helps.  It really helped me get through those negative experiences and helped me to heal.  I highly recommend it to anyone because prayer changes lives.  

Good friends and family members that you feel comfortable talking to about it also is helpful.  Over the years, I have had some wonderful friends that I related my issues to and they were very supportive of me.  Counseling is another avenue that you can take if you feel that you need extra help or even a support group.  Whatever it takes to get you on that path to healing, go for it.  You deserve happiness!

I love my children, love my grandchildren, family and friends, and I love life.  But, I had to learn to love me.  I had to discover a way that I could find myself and realize that I was a victim not the perpetrator.  I had to forgive myself for beating myself up about what had happened to me as a child.  When I forgave me and moved on, forgetting the past negative experiences, I was then able to find my path to true happiness within.

Celebrate your life is a gift from above that we all should partake in.  Its not for certain people but so us all to be happy and enjoy our life.  Most of us are blessed with children and grandchildren that we love very much.  In being happy to the fullest allows us to share that happiness with them.  

Yes, we still do have those daily routines in our everyday life which may cause us to be stressed at times, but if we heal those deep issues within we can make life better for all involved.  We can better handle those daily issues.  Some stress is good because it keeps us alive and on our toes.  If you are stress, then relax and take in life.  Look around you and view the ocean, the blue skies, the mountains, beautiful flowers and trees.  Life is so wonderful!  Be thankful for life and know that you have a purpose and you are important.  Let go of negativity and be happy.  What will you gain by holding onto the negative experiences?  Nothing worth holding onto.  Celebrate your life from this day and everyday of your life.

Please feel free to comment.  I will respond to all comments.  (Smile..)

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